Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Lazy Machine Hogs

Several weeks ago when it became too hot to hike, I started using the fitness center more regularly. As like any place else in our society, most people are courteous and respectful. Then we have those few...

I'm certainly not an expert, but everything I've read about weight lifting says if you are going to do more than one set of an exercise you should wait between 30-60 seconds between. I've NEVER seen it recommended that you wait longer than a minute. Evidently everyone hasn't read the books, especially the man who was hogging the leg press this evening.

I began with a 5-minute warm-up on the elliptical before doing my lower body weights. I prefer to start with the leg press because it works the most muscles (so I believe but I could be wrong - and yes, I know squats are best but I feel awkward and fearful of my back so I don't do them. Yet.) So while I was on the elliptical I peered under the obstructions and noticed a man on the leg press. He was just sitting. I stayed on the elliptical an extra minute, hoping he would finish. Still sitting. I continued one more minute, but he still sat there.

Not a big deal, I began with the ad/abductors, which is right next to the leg press so I could jump up and move over as soon as he finished. Well, I did 6 sets of 12 reps on THAT machine and he was still sitting. I did notice him regain consciousness twice and do a few quick leg thrusts, but mostly he was sitting all scrunched up with his feet remaining on the plate.

I moved to the quad machine. During my first set the Press Hog got up and left, but before I could untrap myself another man briskly walked over and began using it. He had been waiting, too. I looked to see where the press hog had gone and he was slowly ambling toward the lobby, sweet as his assy legs could carry him. Ass.

It didn't bother me that another person hopped on the press, because he got down to business then moved on. I know it doesn't really hurt me any but I enjoy doing the weights in a certain order. It feels right. Narcissistic, dis-courteous asses are repugnant. When I was a child I created a cure for those kind of people, and some day I may write about it. Since my method is science fiction it could never work, but it didn't stop me from dreaming...

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