Sunday, March 6, 2011

Me + 3 81s = FUN

I've had my ukulele for exactly 2 months today, and today was my first meeting of the fledgling ukulele club that a fellow has been trying to get off the ground for a couple of years. I didn't know what to expect, but I was prepared with a rhythm song to sing, Sweet Georgia Brown, and a fingering/plucking solo of Las Mananitas, plus copies to share.

It was in a glass-enclosed small dining area of a local Braum's - a place folks can reserve for little parties and such. In other words, it was a fishbowl in plain view of all customers and staff. My don't-want-to-be-a-spectacle issues began rearing before I even arrived, but I forced myself to go, nerves and all.

I left my uke and gear in the car to first check it out and make sure someone else was there. There was one uke case and bag'o'gear in the fishbowl, but no people. I went back to my car and fetched my stuff, and still no people. I set my stuff up on a small table then proceeded to act all casual and breezy in the fishbowl while I waited. After several minutes the 'head' guy, 'president', 'founder' came into the bowl with a drink and some ice cream. We introduced and chatted while he finished his ice cream, until he finally pronounced us ready to begin.

We got out our stuff and each did some independent, light warm-up strumming, as if we were preparing for a concert! After a moment he held his tenor uke out and said, "Here, try it!' and began to take my new, virginal, delicate Collings out of my hands. I gripped its neck and did not let go until I looked his tenor over for scratches/chips. Seeing none I released my pristine, 2-month-old baby to unknown hands. I loved his tenor, a Pono, which I had seriously considered, and he loved my Collings (but of course!) I can feel it now, I WILL end up with a tenor some day. Dang it.

We played a couple of strumming tunes, then in came a lady and a gentleman carrying a uke, no case, just swinging it to and fro. We all introduced. None of us had met the others before, and our founder knew us only through email. Somebody said something about way back when they were 57. I piped up, "I'm 57" and found out they are all 81 years old. Well, founder guy is almost 81, so I'm calling them all 81.

The two 81 fellows each had something taped to the backs of their ukes. Founder guy had a cheat-sheet of main chords used in each key, pretty cool. 81 #2 had a jar gripper, you know, one of those thin flappy rubber things with little bumpies all over to help you open stubborn pickle jars and such? He had one of those taped to the back of his uke. I didn't ask, but I'm sure it was to keep his uke from slipping as much while he held it and played.

81 #2 performs regularly between sets at a local, long-running melodrama, and at retirement and nursing homes. He is a fun performer and such a nice guy, and his wife, too. Next time they come she will bring her bongos, I hope!

We played quite a few songs together and I was much less nervous than I had predicted... no hives at all! Really I only get hives from pistachios and heat, but when I'm experiencing my performance anxiety I feel like I should be getting hives.

I had so much fun that I will attend every meet-up Founder Guy holds, if I can. I love the 81s and hope they are all there next time!


  1. I am laughing so hard, almost as much as the one about Eddie's toys, and I can't wipe the smile off my face. I'm so glad you had such a good time but even gladder about getting to read about it.

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