Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Starting Over (more snow)

Home again, 7th day off work. We had more snow during the night and morning. Why do cities have one official place of measurement? Like the airport? I'm miles from the airport, and snow and rainfall recorded there is usually not what I get here. It seems like a city would have 3 or more official locations, then average those.

It first snowed, excuse me, blizzarded, on Tues, Feb 1st. That day I began shoveling the drive, and think I shoveled 5 different times. Again on Wed, Thurs and Fri. Below is what I had accomplished by Friday afternoon, and when I went out again about 6 pm the street on my side had been plowed, and the plow scooped the snow from around the entry to my drive. On Saturday I could get out! Wait a minute... these pics may be mixed up, but I don't want to take the time to figure it out.
I'm kind of mixed up, but I think it snowed again Friday, covering up 3 days of work. This snow was only 4.5 inches and very easy to remove, but I still had to shovel.

So I got it all shoveled off again. Then the street plow came.

After the 3rd snow today, I had to start all over. This is only 6 inches deep, dry and light, and is very easy. In fact, I don't even have to put my boots on which is great, because toes are just a bit tired of the tight boots. I used the Shadow/Highlight adjustment so you could see the level of the fresh snow. I'll go out in a little bit and shovel some more. It is the only exercise I'm getting during all this, so I don't mind too much.

Most of each day has been spent at my command post: a chair in front of my tiny computer desk, about 8 ft from the TV, music stand and instruments almost at my side. With my curtains opened to the back I can watch the snow and birds. One early day in the snow in I noticed how this viney thing resembled a leaping man with no head. The no head business doesn't bother me, because the whole thing is so fun to look at.

 I here I used some PS filtering to make the vine man stand out. Below is the non-adjusted image


  1. Viney Man may have no head, but it could be that we just can't see it under that enormous afro. He's cute, brown or green. Speaking of green, some things here in Portland think it's spring and are sprouting up. Brrrr!

  2. We also have sprouty things!
