Sunday, April 20, 2008

I'm Lucky!

Today I went w/o Ed so I wouldn't be encumbered while photographing butterflies. I arrived at noon, parked low, took the tadpole and just before the descent to the taturmobile I looped around to the east and headed back with some much needed shade. From the loop on I was hot and just about miserable, with thoughts of a cool bed with ceiling fan and ice water. Toward the end I even started counting my steps in groups of 100 to keep my mind off the heat. About 2 hrs.

Eddie could have gone, for I didn't get many butterfly pics. I was impatient plus it was probably too late (hot) in the day for much activity. At least I got one really good shot of a goatweed, and a passable shot of an unknown. I'm glad I went, but I think when it's this warm I'll just go to the fitness center instead.

This cardinal was hanging around near the trailhead, taunting me to catch him. Just when he got in a good position and I was almost focused, he would hop away and chit-chit

I saw these in the same place last year and was happy they bloomed this early. I have no idea what they are. UPDATE: Cranky Lady IDd this as the paintbrush. There is a bit of difference between "Indian Paintbrush", such as WY state flower, and the Texas paintbrush. This is the Texas variety.

I began noticing yesterday that quite a few of the tent caterpillar colonies were like this. Maybe they're ready to spread their filth or pupate


This is why we call this the tadpole trail. We will see this all spring and summer, and when large broods turn into froglets we have to watch our step very carefully

Just a large grasshopper

Some of the blackberry canes already had buds

and a few had blooms!

Tiger beetles maybe?

My wonderful shot of the goatweed leafwing. They're about all I saw today and now I can officially stop taking pics of them

Unknown little blue or skipper or something. I'll look later

Interesting feather. I don't know from what... yellow flicker?

And here's why I'm lucky! It still has some nails in it, and I think I'll hang it over my door at work


  1. I don't know the purple flower, but the red one is a paintbrush (snapdragon family, genus Castilleja), way too many species for me to be more specific. A good clue for this group is the bracts that are part green, part red. If I remember right, this group is parasitic on other plants, connected underground.

  2. You're right again. Thanks. Now I'll have to look into the whole parasitic thing.
