Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Doggie Dentalworks

Yesterday Lucy had her teeth cleaned and is doing well except for a cough. She seems to have an irritated throat from the tube. Because her tartar buildup was especially bad, you know, being neglected and all and not having her teeth cleaned since last year, she was given, I mean sold some antibiotics: twice a day for 2 weeks. I remember the days when we never even heard of dental cleaning for pets. Now I have an appt. for Eddie to go tomorrow - it will be his first time.

Eddie and Lucy. Eddie's teeth were pearly white back then

And they tried to sell us a bottle of doggie flouride to add to their water. The 16.9 oz bottle was $23. Mix 2 tsp in a quart of water, empty and make anew each day. The bottle would last about 48 days, or approximately 50 cents/day at the least. The pets have 2 water dishes and the big one is refilled at least twice a day. If we prepared their special water once/day, they wouldn't even have the special flouride at each drinking. So no thanks.

My cousin left Monday after 2 weeks here. Today is Wednesday and so far I've discovered she left: her favorite moccasins, Homie's treats, a cool chip clip, a little Bailey's Irish Cream, half a bottle of Purple Cow chardonnay, a bag of snacks from the trip here, and her check card. Actually SHE discovered her missing check card and so far it hasn't been found.

This is her boxer Homie - he is stately, mature, loyal and gentle

This is Johnny getting some loving from my cousin

About that bag-o-snacks: there was a sack of Trader Joe's fabulous choco-nutty-peanutty-buttery cookies (they're already gone), a baggie with a few wheat thins, and a baggie with some scary-looking unidentifiable dark round spongy things. I put those in the fridge until I talk to her and find out what they are. No sense throwing out perfectly good stuff...

She also left me, intentionally, with fresh organic grapefruit, tangelo, and lemons from her back yard. (Notice I didn't pluralize 'tangelo' because I don't know whether or not to add an 'e'... you know, the whole Al Gore thing, and btw that was NOT his fault!) They are fabulous. I had to give a lot away to friends because there was so much.

This morning a little Spider McCutie was on the lip of a bucket that had been left outside. He was there for a while just chillin', and when I finally decided to snap his pic it was suddenly time for him to run around the lip of the bucket, darting on the inside then the outside. After chasing him for a while with the lens I finally gave up. This is the best I could do:

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