Sunday, October 12, 2008

5+ Miles

This hike was from Sunday, Oct. 5th, the day following my last post. We got there before 10, had Ed with us, and went up the craggy top. That has been my favorite way to the top since the first time I took it, and now it's A's favorite, too. We continued north until just before the spider, then hooked a sharp left U-turn and headed south on the trail system just east of the tadpole.

There were no other people through this part and it was wonderful. The paths are rocky (ie: 'technical') and we had to really keep our eyes on the ground. We continued to what would be the 1st pond on the right (from the upper), watched a baby slider on a log and in the water, then crossed the upper to the west side.

A little after the gate, at about the 3-mile point, I noticed the bottom of my foot was sore with each step. That would be my right foot, the same one that had some achilles trouble 3 weeks back. It wasn't bad, certainly didn't make me limp or anything, so I thought nothing of it. A few minutes later, with one innocent step, the pain was sharp and excruciating. I had to stop and wait, hobble a little until the sharpness waned, then decided to continue. I favored that foot for the remaining hike.

We took the 3rd left and made the big loop that goes by Rock City. We (and by 'we' I mean "I", rested on a boulder, watered Eddie, and chatted all about A2's Christmas gift. When we got up to continue I had to start the hobbling all over again, but made it to the end without becoming a spectacle.

Total hike was 5.25 miles and 2 hr, 16 min. The time is just for the hiking part. I paused the timer during my foot episode and each time we stopped to water Eddie.

My foot hurt the rest of the day and on Monday morning I couldn't walk to the bathroom. I crawled to get some Ibuprofen, then crawled back to bed for 30 minutes while it took effect. I knew then what was wrong. 20 years ago I had a huge heel spur and plantar fasciitis on my left foot and ended up having surgery, which I swore I would never do again. Back then I had some intermittent problems with my right foot, had a couple of corticosteroid injections, wore Tuli's heel cups, and got over it. It happened again about 6 or 7 years ago.

I ordered a couple more pair of Tuli's, one of those little rocking calf-stretching thingies (because I love them) and a pair of those repulsive Crocs, the RX line 'Relief' for, among other things, plantar fasciitis. I wanted those to wear when I first get up, while getting ready for work or just hanging around the house.

I got the CrocsRx yesterday and hate them. Well, today they aren't that bad, and I've worn them all day, but my good shoes with heel cups are significantly better.

So... I haven't been walking or hiking for a full week. And we just had a spectacular weekend. Phooey. At least I don't have a heel spur. But I did find some migrating monarchs and got a bunch of good pics.

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