I arrived at 10:20, parked low and went directly to the tadpole. I took the tadpole north, stopping just before the final trek to the 1st pond on the left. The blackberries are so red I could see them from quite a distance. A few canes were by the trail, and about 4-5 berries were black, juicy and sweet.
I took 109 pics, and wasn't quite finished when my CF card filled up. Total hike was 1 hr, 40 min. I didn't go far, so obviously I spent a lot of time standing around waiting for the wind to die down, a bug to get in a better position, a butterfly to land, etc. I saw a few things I'd never seen, or at least noticed, before today.

Those black ones are now gone!

Hmm. I've never seen one like this before. It's a tarantula, but small, maybe the size of a half-dollar, legs and all. I saw 2 of them.

I've never seen this before, either. My guide says it's a cuckoo wasp - they don't have stingers

The wind gusts kept bending its wings forward, but it kept clutching onto its stick.

This is my 1st pic of an American Lady

I call this the valentine bug because of the heart shape on its back, but it's really a delta flower scarab, so named because of the delta shape on its back!

This is my 1st red admiral at TM

A nicely laid clutch of eggs. I've never seen this before

This bird almost waddled while dragging its tail and wing tips. I thought it was injured, but it did finally fly off a pretty good distance. Cranky tells me it's an indigo bunting. I had never seen one before.
Oh, I'd say that bird is an indigo bunting, breeds all over (SE Canada to Gulf states), proably nests there. The book says nest is cup in crotch of bush, pale blue eggs. That's a male; female is brown.
ReplyDeleteWhen are you going to get a bird book?!
I do need to get a bird book. And a wildflower book. And a rock book. Gardner's was very disappointing.