Monday, November 22, 2010

How Do Potatoes Lose Weight?

I went gluten-free 6 days ago.  That has nothing to do with the rest of my entry, other than if I had NOT turned gluten-free I would not have been having a baked potato tonight. I would have had a sandwich, like I really wanted.

Obviously I forgot how long to have it in the microwave. Oops. The house still stinks, my plate is ruined, and by the time daughter Beth and I had everything under control and I "baked" another potato, I could have baked it in the oven. The potato now weighs 16 grams. A hatchling box turtle weighs between 7 and 9 grams. The original weight of the potato was 192 grams. Please do not ask me how I now all these things.

On a good note, she managed to teach me how to purchase and download mp3 albums from Amazon. I am listening to old-timey fiddle/mandolin music right now!

Update on 12-20-10: I found this little tune on a website a few days ago and thought it would be appropriate to include here. It is called "Little Burnt Potato", no, really, it really is!

deleted video

I tend to play with a lighter touch than a lot of folks, so I used my loudest pick and sat in my little back foyer area that leads to the garage and outside. It isn't carpeted and closeness of the walls make the tune seem a little louder. I vided it over and over trying to play it faster. but because of my little finger reach on the top string I always messed up. I must exercise that finger! I must! Even slowed down I can hear the chopiness between notes. I am either fretting the little finger or thinking about fretting it, and it keeps me nervous. After 532 attempts, I decided to keep this one. I found a different version where there is no reaching with the little finger, but it just doesn't sound as good as this one.


  1. ...and I'm sure the music made you forget all about the stupid potato! So, I'm intrigued, why gluten free all of a sudden? Whose idea was that?

  2. Cool! I love the video, especially your comment at the end. Now, c'mon, aren't there some words to that song? Let's hear some singin'!

  3. Oh, that's wonderful. It has so much spirit. Perhaps the potato sacrificed it's little gluten free life so you could make the video. Hey, are you a lefty???
